Barefoot Monologues

A Journey of the Sole

The Author

Trisha Berube

blogavatarI started running in 2002, mostly for exercise. For years I would just hop on a treadmill or stomp out a few miles around a local lake during my lunch break. I never ran very far, and I never went more than six months without some nagging knee or ankle injury. In 2010, I discovered the lost art of barefoot/minimalist running, and a lightbulb went on. Since then, I have truly become the runner I never really was before.

For the most part I prefer running trails on a cool fall or winter day, but no type of weather or terrain can really stop me. Running is my natural state of contentedness. I believe that we were all meant to be runners, and I feel lucky that I’ve been able to tap into what evolution has given me. Running is so much more complex and incredible than 90% of us will ever learn to appreciate.

I’m not a particularly fast runner. Okay, who am I kidding? – I’m slow as a glacier. I have always had a hard time breaking a 30-minute 5K, so I figured I might as well just go for distance. I completed my first half marathon in April 2011, and in May of 2012, I officially became an ultra runner. I like running long, and I am captivated by the ultramarathon. I am definitely of the “go big or go home” variety. And also the beer is better after an ultra.

I adore writing as much as I do running. I originally began this blog in January of 2011 to stretch my verbal legs a bit, and to find my voice. Writing a book has been a dream taking up space in my mind since I was a kid. But for now I really like what Barefoot Monologues has turned into, and I look forward to seeing where it will go.

Thanks for reading, and long may you run!

20 thoughts on “The Author

  1. Have been “trying” the barefoot running/walking.. and love it! Loved “Born to Run” as well.. Have been reading “Barefoot Running, Step by Step”… great book about the form.

    Love reading your blog!

    Keep up the great work. (oh.. do you have an App for a metronome?)

    Mark G.

    • Thanks for reading, Mark! Glad you’re liking the barefoot journey. Ahhh and…those two books are great, and the authors are fantastic people, I’ve met them both a few times. Also a good read is “The Barefoot Running Book” by Jason Robillard – also a fantastic guy with lots of information to give. Best of luck on your journey of the sole!

  2. Pingback: Smile like a Bad-Ass « Barefoot Monologues

  3. Great articles, Trisha – I really like your insights. I am a Personal Trainer in the UK, have recently transitioned to barefoot and will never go back! xx

    • Thank you! And thanks for reading. Best of luck in your barefoot transition.

      • Hi, my name is Connor. I was looking at that picture of yours through google images (new England winter). I’ve always loved going to New England and seeing the amazing life in one of the greatest areas in the U.S ( I have family in Boston). I also couldn’t help but read your running story. I do cross-country and track and really enjoying it. I am also hoping to also be a writer some day (screenplays/ plays). Keep up the amazing blog. (from California too)

      • Thanks so much for reading, Connor!

  4. Trisha – Have you heard about the UNH Barefoot Running Study? FMI see the 5/21 newbrief on the CAA website (

  5. Hi Trisha,
    My name is Brendan Wild and I’m about to publish a magazine on iTunes Newsstand called Barefoot Runner- for barefoot runners and minimalist shoe wearers. I was going to do shoe reviews in it but rather than reinvent the wheel and do them myself I’m going to have an article on choosing shoes and then recommend some sites, about 6 , that have good honest reviews on them and link to those sites so people can get a good variety of reviewers to help them make an educated choice. I really wanted to have a couple of women reviewers and your site was one that I liked, if this is ok with you can you let me know and I’ll include it.
    Thanks for your time.
    Cheers Brendan Wild

  6. You are great! Keep it up!

  7. Just stumbling by and I wanted to say HI to a kindred spirit!

  8. Just had an intensely bad 8 mile run (mostly walk) and asked Google for some feedback on second thoughts on (half) marathons. Your blog came up (the entries before Pineland) and it’s been VERY supportive today. Thanks for your writing 🙂

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